Top 11 Powerful tips to get job in Nigeria


Ramposa freshly graduated from Abuja University is looking for a job in Nigeria and Chioma, a working professional in Supply chain management is looking for a job change in Abuja city. They both have skills but are not able to kick start their job search.

Well AfricaOnJobs has recently conducted a survey in major cities of Nigeria including Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan, Kano and Calabar. We have come up with the top 11 tips which can be important to get placement in Nigerias top rank companies. online job sites in Africa


1.     Apply “A Lot” that interests you

Job search is not an easy task as A lot of other candidates may be fighting for the same work profile that you are interested in it. The best way to become successful is to increase Your options. Apply to the job opportunities which have at least two skills of your interest. In this way you get a good amount of exposure of getting Shortlist

2.     Modify your resume every time

This is true fact that every job is different from the previous one and in order to impress your interviewer you need to modify the content, style and format of your resume. This is not only brings newness to your CV but also gives you confidence. At the times of interview just try to keep track of which CV you have sent to which company.


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