Join the international movement toward Holistic Health. Become an Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapist in Lucknow, India


In our world, the issue of mental and emotional health is like a silent pandemic, which affects more lives than we know of, including us. We live in a world today where facilities are aplenty. You can download any amount of information in a matter of seconds, we are more connected to each other than ever before, yet in our time, more people feel lonely and misunderstood than ever before. You may have had the best education, best grades, you may have the best brands stocked in your closet, but when you don’t feel like getting up in the morning, when you question if it would matter to anyone if stopped existing, then none of the other things make a difference to you, do they?

No matter if you spend hours in the gym or use your dose of youtube to get a nutritious healthy balanced diet, when it comes to emotional health, most of go with the usual “we try to stay positive” anecdote, till the illusion of “oh it won’t happen to us” seems impossible to keep together. There are so many souls who feel the pressure of keeping up with the fast pace of their surroundings. Managing work, relationships, societal expectations of age-appropriate milestones; At times, even after you achieve what society expects of you, the damage that is already caused to your inner space is so huge that you don’t feel fulfilled at all. Even if you have the chance, still, going after what you really want feels like an uphill climb. Something seems to be missing and we keep looking for it in different places.


  • Firstly, many of us experience overthinking :Too many thoughts, a fuzzy headspace and a constant chatter no matter where we go, what we do, who we meet. We know this feeling, don’t we?
  • Then there are others who may have recently experienced a heartbreak, or are simply carrying hurt and anger towards those we once held close. And now, this hurt, anger affects us more than them, in the sense we are left with no space to feel understood or heard or simply unburden ourselves of this heaviness. Deep Breaths.
  • How great you feel about yourself is the next layer which impacts most of the spheres of your life. Your self esteem in the areas of appearance, performance, even your social presence makes you either believe in yourself or question yourself constantly, if you are good enough or if you really deserve the love, appreciation and acknowledgement which is coming your way.
  • Another significant aspect of your wellness is how you feel energetically. When you are in an emotionally low space, chances are you may feel less energy also and the environment around you also carries a gloomy vibe to it. Even when we attract jealousy or negativity from our environment, it affects us, reflecting in our daily life where you encounter unnecessary obstacles in everything you do, feel too lethargic yet are unable to sleep, feel unsettled and even your appetite reduces at times.
  • Finally, comes the layer of the physical body which takes the brunt of all the above layers. It all starts with a thought. But how you think is how you feel. How you feel is how you flow and vibe, and that eventually reflects in the physical body too. The most visible instance of this is the rise of heart attacks, diabetes, thyroid and even obesity in children and young adults of today who internalise all their emotions in unawareness or due to lack of support and it reflects in these psycho-somatic ways.

Luckily for us, as rapid the spread of emotional issues globally, so is the movement of the masses towards something that empowers them to be resilient and thrive in their daily life, beyond mechanically carrying out the same mundane life, living without meaning. At this cusp, comes the opportunity to engage yourself into a profession which not only fulfils you in every way, at the same time nurtures you enough to empower consciousness with resilience, self-belief, awareness and integrity.

Internationally, people have achieved remarkable results when they have chosen to work on their issues through the Holistic approach. Holistic Wellness speaks of working on all aspects of a problem : be it physical, emotional, energetic or even cognitive. Each of the layers of wellness we spoke about earlier is as important as the other. True wellness comes when all these layers are worked upon with a therapist and are in sync with each other.

Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy is one such regression therapy which believes in working on the root cause of any issue that you may be experiencing in your life today, by harnessing the power of your sub-conscious mind. Even if you are only seeking personal growth, Hypnotherapy brings the main characters of our success and failures to the forefront : Our belief systems. By being the only modality currently in practice globally, which promises to work on all the layers of wellness, it has a promising 93% efficacy rate in just over 6 sessions, as shown by research.

So, if there are issues in your life in the past that you are yet to grow out of; if you have any chronic illnesses or fears that bother you to this day; if you seek to improve your relationships with your friends, family and colleagues, understand and grow to the next level in your career and life, or better so, help and work with people to empower them, then this field is definitely for you.

Hypnotherapy works on the premise that the ability to transform your life lies with you only; in your own mind, to be specific. Your mind comprises of the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Your subconscious thoughts, feelings are 6000 times more powerful and in turn create your life experiences in the way they are. Hypnotherapy allows you to anchor this strength of your subconscious mind and use it to heal out of your issues and grow to the next level of life and even do the same for those who seek your facilitation.

This means you are no longer married to your problems and yes you definitely do not have to learn to live with it. And if you are trained to do this for others, you do not just heal alone : You are empowered to help your environment grow with you.

The journey of becoming a hypnotherapist is one of discovering your true self, knowing your true potential and progress on the path of actualizing it. If you are looking to take your life in a meaningful direction such as this, then the curriculum of hypnotherapy is for you.

Today thousands of people across the globe are becoming sensitive to their own issues and are empowering themselves to bring a shift in their own life first and then move masses with their own zeal too. Giving you the freedom of lifestyle and stability and growth in your carved niche, it is ideal in many ways.

You can also begin your journey with Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy today. Reach out to us in the comments section below or message us at +91 888 146 2000 to know more about this life-altering science, research in this field, growth opportunities and much more.

Onwards and Upwards

Team Happiness SOULutions


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