N2N Sourcing: Moving forward on multiple fronts


In a candid interview with Apparel Resources, Shagufhta Newaz, Founder of N2N Sourcing Ltd., shares her strategies for future growth which include venturing into unexplored markets and having more thrust on technology.

Having almost two decades of experience in RMG industry, Shagufhta Newaz, Founder of N2N Sourcing Ltd., and EC member of Bangladesh Garment Buying House Association (BGBA) is amongst those few women of Bangladesh who started as a professional and later successfully built their own buying house, further geared up to grow. With a focus on the European market, particularly in Denmark, Portugal, Spain and France, the buying house, offering fashion clothing as well as workwear, has forged strong relationships with buyers and manufacturers alike, continually adapting to changing market demands.

Read more : https://apparelresources.com/business-news/sourcing/n2n-sourcing-moving-forward-multiple-fronts/


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